Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings restore the function, integrity, and morphology of missing tooth structures resulting from decay or external trauma. The process involves cleaning out the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the cavity with a suitable material such as amalgam, composite resin, gold, or porcelain.

Each material has distinct advantages: amalgam is durable and cost-effective, composite resin offers aesthetic benefits by matching the tooth color, gold is long-lasting and biocompatible, and porcelain is stain-resistant and blends in well with natural teeth. The choice of filling material depends on factors such as the location of the cavity, patient allergies, aesthetic preferences, and budget. Proper dental hygiene and regular check-ups are essential to maintain the longevity of fillings and overall oral health. 

Types of Dental Fillings

Amalgam Fillings

Amalgam fillings are renowned for their durability and strength, making them suitable for molars and teeth subject to heavy chewing forces. They are cost-effective and easy to place and often last for many years. However, their silver color can be conspicuous, which may be better for less visible areas of the mouth.  

Ceramic Fillings

Ceramic fillings, often made from porcelain, offer an aesthetically pleasing option. These fillings can be color-matched to blend in with natural teeth, providing a durable, stain-resistant solution.

Ceramic fillings are biocompatible, well-tolerated by gum tissues, and typically last longer than composite fillings. However, they are more expensive and usually require more than one dental visit as they are custom-fabricated in a dental laboratory. Their durability and natural appearance make them a preferred choice for patients seeking long-term solutions for their dental restorations. 

Gold Fillings

Though less common nowadays, gold fillings remain a durable and long-lasting option. These fillings are made from a gold alloy, often mixed with other metals like silver or copper. Gold fillings are firm and wear-resistant, making them suitable for areas with heavy chewing pressure. They are biocompatible and cause minimal wear to opposing teeth.

However, their high cost and noticeable appearance make them less popular than other filling materials. Placement of gold fillings also requires multiple dental visits, as they are custom-made to fit precisely into the prepared cavity. 

The Dental Filling Process 

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 

  • The process begins with a thorough dental examination, often involving X-rays to identify the extent of decay. 
  • Our dentist in Sandy, UT, will discuss the appropriate filling materials based on the cavity's location, your dental history, and aesthetic preferences. 


  • The dentist administers a local anesthetic to numb the area around the affected tooth. 
  • Decayed or damaged tooth material is removed using a dental drill, laser, or air abrasion instrument. 

Filling Placement 

  • The cleaned cavity is prepared to receive the filling material. This may involve etching, applying bonding agents, or other preparation methods. 
  • If necessary, the filling material is placed in layers, particularly for composite resins, which are cured using a special light. 

Finishing and Polishing 

  • Once the filling is in place, our dentist shapes and polishes it to ensure a natural look and feel. 
  • The final step is checking the bite to ensure the filling fits well with the opposing teeth. 

When Are Dental Fillings Necessary? 

Treating Tooth Decay (Cavities) 

Tooth decay is the most common reason for needing dental fillings. When bacteria in your mouth produce acids that erode tooth enamel, cavities form. These cavities can lead to severe tooth damage, pain, and infection if left untreated. Fillings stop the decay from progressing by sealing the cavity, preventing bacteria from entering and causing further damage. Contact us today to learn more.

Restoring Tooth Function and Integrity 

Cavities and minor fractures can compromise a tooth's structural integrity, affecting its functionality. Dental fillings in Sandy, UT, restore the tooth's structure, allowing you to chew, bite, and speak properly. They also provide strength and support to the damaged areas, preventing further wear and tear. 

Preventing Further Damage 

If cavities or minor tooth fractures are not treated promptly, they can lead to more severe dental issues, such as tooth abscesses, infections, or the need for more invasive procedures like root canals or extractions. Fillings act as a barrier, protecting the tooth from further decay and damage.  

Aesthetic Improvements 

Modern dental fillings, particularly composite resin and ceramic fillings, can be color-matched to your natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result. This is particularly important for fillings in visible areas of the mouth, ensuring your smile remains attractive.  

Pain Relief 

Tooth decay and damage can cause significant pain and sensitivity, especially when eating or drinking hot, cold, or sweet substances. Fillings can alleviate this discomfort by repairing the damaged areas and restoring the tooth to its natural state. 

Preventing Infections 

If a cavity progresses to the point where it reaches the tooth pulp (the innermost part containing nerves and blood vessels), it can cause infections and abscesses, leading to severe pain and potentially more serious health issues. Dental fillings prevent such infections by sealing off the degraded areas. 

Maintaining Overall Oral Health 

Healthy teeth and gums are essential for overall oral health. Untreated cavities can affect neighboring teeth and gums, leading to widespread oral health problems. Dental fillings help maintain a healthy mouth by addressing decay early and preventing it from spreading. 

Dental fillings are critical to maintaining oral health and restoring teeth affected by decay or damage. Visit Granite View Dental at 1030 E 11400 S, Suite 2, Sandy, UT 84094, or call (801) 255-2100 to book your appointment and discover how dental fillings can benefit you. 



1030 E 11400 S, Suite 2,
Sandy, UT 84094

Office Hours

MON - WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU7:00 am - 3:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 3:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed