

A dental extraction is a procedure performed by our dentist in Sandy, UT, to remove a tooth from its socket in the jawbone. This may be necessary due to severe decay, trauma, overcrowding, or other dental issues that cannot be addressed through restorative treatments. Extractions are typically performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. Depending on the complexity, extractions can be simple (for visible teeth) or surgical (for impacted or fractured teeth).

After extraction, proper care, including biting on gauze to control bleeding, managing pain with medications, and avoiding certain activities to prevent complications, like dry sockets, is essential for healing. Our dentist may also discuss alternatives such as root canal therapy or orthodontic treatment depending on individual dental needs. 

Reasons for Dental Extractions 

  • When a tooth is extensively decayed and cannot be restored with a filling or crown, extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of decay to neighboring teeth and to preserve oral health. 
  • Advanced periodontal (gum) disease can cause the supporting tissues and bone around a tooth to deteriorate, leading to the loosening of the tooth. In cases where the tooth is too loose to be stabilized or treated, extraction may be the best option to prevent further damage. 
  • Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, may become impacted (unable to erupt through the gums fully) due to lack of space in the jaw or improper alignment. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain, infection, and damage to adjacent teeth, necessitating extraction. 
  • In cases of severe crowding or misalignment of teeth, dentists may recommend tooth extraction to create space and facilitate proper alignment of the remaining teeth.  
  • Teeth that are fractured or broken beyond repair, particularly if the fracture extends below the gum line or affects the tooth's root structure, may require extraction to prevent pain, infection, or further damage to surrounding teeth and tissues.  
  • Sometimes, a root canal procedure may not successfully treat or save a tooth that is infected or damaged. If the tooth cannot be salvaged through retreatment, extraction may be necessary to alleviate pain and prevent the spread of infection. 

What to Expect During the Procedure? 

During a dental extraction procedure, you can expect a systematic approach to ensure both your comfort and the successful removal of the tooth. The process begins with an initial examination, during which our dentist reviews your medical history and may take X-rays to assess the tooth's position and any potential complications. This step helps determine the most appropriate extraction method. 

Next, anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth to be extracted. Local anesthesia is typically sufficient for simple extractions where the tooth is visible above the gum line. However, our dentist may recommend additional sedation options like nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedatives, or intravenous (IV) sedation for more complex cases such as impacted teeth or multiple extractions to help you relax or manage anxiety. 

The dentist uses specialized instruments to loosen the tooth from its socket during the extraction. An elevator gently rocks the tooth back and forth in a simple extraction, followed by forceps to remove it carefully. For surgical extractions involving impacted teeth or those that have broken below the gum line, an incision in the gum tissue may be necessary to access the tooth. Sometimes, the tooth must be sectioned into smaller pieces for easier removal. 

After the tooth is successfully extracted, the dentist will provide detailed aftercare instructions. This typically includes biting on a gauze pad placed over the extraction site to control bleeding, taking prescribed or over-the-counter pain medications to manage discomfort, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, and following a soft diet to aid healing. It's essential to follow these instructions closely to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of complications like dry sockets. Contact us today to learn more.

The Advantages of Dental Extractions 

Relief From Pain and Discomfort

One of the primary advantages of dental extractions in Sandy, UT, is the relief from pain and discomfort associated with severely decayed or damaged teeth they provide. When a tooth is extensively decayed beyond repair or has suffered trauma, it can cause persistent pain and sensitivity. Extracting the affected tooth eliminates the source of pain, providing immediate relief and improving quality of life.  

Prevention of Infection and Spread of Disease

Infected teeth pose significant risks to oral health, as bacteria can spread from the affected tooth to surrounding teeth and tissues. Dental extractions effectively remove the source of infection, preventing it from spreading further. This helps maintain overall oral hygiene and reduces the likelihood of developing more severe dental conditions, such as abscesses or gum disease. 

Correction of Dental Crowding

Dental extractions play a crucial role in orthodontic treatments by creating space in the mouth to alleviate overcrowding. In cases of insufficient space for teeth to align correctly, dentists may recommend extracting one or more teeth to facilitate the movement and alignment of remaining teeth. This enhances the effectiveness of orthodontic treatments and improves overall dental aesthetics.  

Management of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, often emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood and can become impacted due to lack of space in the jaw. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to pain, infection, and damage to adjacent teeth. Dental extractions are commonly performed to remove impacted wisdom teeth, preventing potential complications and preserving oral health. 

Preparation for Prosthetic Devices

Dental extractions are sometimes necessary to prepare the mouth for prosthetic devices such as dentures or dental implants. Extracting severely damaged or infected teeth creates a clean and healthy foundation for the placement of prostheses. This ensures optimal fit, function, and longevity of the prosthetic device, restoring natural appearance and oral function.  

Improved Overall Oral Health

Dental extractions improve overall oral health by removing diseased, damaged, or problematic teeth. Eliminating problematic teeth reduces the risk of future dental problems and enhances the effectiveness of preventive dental care practices, such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. Patients can enjoy a healthier smile and reduce the risk of complications associated with untreated dental issues. 

While dental extractions are typically reserved for cases where tooth preservation is not feasible, they play a crucial role in maintaining oral health, alleviating pain, and preventing further complications. Visit Granite View Dental at 1030 E 11400 S, Suite 2, Sandy, UT 84094, or call (801) 255-2100 to determine if dental extraction is appropriate for your specific dental condition.


1030 E 11400 S, Suite 2,
Sandy, UT 84094

Office Hours

MON - WED9:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU7:00 am - 3:00 pm

FRI8:00 am - 3:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed